CranioSacral Therapy (CST)
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
CranioSacral therapy is a form of treatment that works at the deepest level of the human system. The bones of the skull are designed to be in constant motion in response to the pulsation of the ‘craniosacral rhythm’. If your system is disturbed your sense of well-being is undermined and you can start to feel unwell. Craniosacral therapy releases any blockages and restrictions which frees the bodies innate healing energies and restores optimum health and balance to the body and central nervous system. In combination with Energy Re-Balancing, this gentle and effective hands-on approach assists in creating a deep stillness within the body where-upon often profound healing can occur.
A simple explanation of this gentle yet powerful process.
Watch this beautifully documented video that really touches the heart of this incredible technique.
Warning: you might need a tissue